Growing up, I truly never thought I would be a cat mom. My allergies were so bad I could barely be around cats, let alone pet them or snuggle them or give them the love they deserved. My throat would close up, my eyes would turn red and itchy, and I'd have allergy attacks that came with lots of coughing and nose-blowing. Not fun at all. Not worth it, no siree.
Then I met a man who was worth having allergy attacks for.
John had two cats, Tiger and Kap. If I was going to pursue a relationship with him, I would have to create a relationship with his cats. We worked together to ease me into being around cats for more than a few minutes or an hour at a time, and now, two and a half years later, I live full time with two cats, Franklin and Kap! I can hold my boys and kiss them and snuggle them with only the occasional allergy attack.
I never knew cats could have such sweet, loving personalities. I am so grateful to John for helping me become the proud cat mom I am today.
My boys, Franklin and Kap... I love you both so much. All you want is love and food, and I am so happy to provide those things for you. Thank you for being such sweet boys, and bringing joy and laughter to my life.
To all the mother's out there (dog, cat, other animal, and human)... Happy Mother's Day!
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