Cartoons depict animals as lovely, helpful creatures, assisting the princess in her menial chores, like cooking and baking! Well, I do not live in a cartoon, so of course Franklin and Kap (but specifically Franklin) are of no help.
*Can you spot Franklin in this picture? Hint: He's asleep!*
Trying to make anything in the kitchen with Franklin, from a simple bowl of cereal to a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, is very similar to getting ready with him: If Franklin isn’t distracted, he wants to be right where I am at all times. The worst is when I think he’s in one spot and I turn around and suddenly he’s underfoot and I softly kick him (again, no cats were harmed in the making of this blog). Even with the constant meowing he is fast as lightning sometimes and very easy to miss.
One of Franklin’s favorite games to play is Jump in the Fridge! Anytime that door opens and the light turns on it is like the fridge has specifically called out to Franklin to come on in and take a look around. It drives me crazy, as sometimes John doesn’t fully close food items like drinks or leftovers, and if Franklin knocks something over it’ll create a big mess. Or worse, he could easily get into something and eat or drink something that could really hurt him (or worse). So, whenever I need to get into the fridge and I know Franklin is anywhere near me, I find him first, scoop him up, and then open the fridge and grab what I need. Having to grab one item at a time sucks because it slows me down, but the peace of mind knowing Franklin can’t jump in and cause mischief is worth moving at a snail’s pace. Franklin hates it, but that just makes it funnier.
His other favorite game is Jump on the Kitchen Table Even Though Meemaw has Yelled at Franklin a Million Times NOT To Jump on the Kitchen Table. I think the title explains the game pretty well.
I will say, however, that I do not mind when Franklin sits on the kitchen chair. I actually encourage it. One of my favorite things I used to do with Tiger (may he rest in peace) was sit at the table with him while I ate my breakfast. I would pull the chair close so I could pet him with my left hand and eat with my right. I’m trying to train Franklin to be my breakfast and dinner buddy, and sometimes Franklin will sit for a few minutes, but for the most part I get one of two options with Franklin: 1) he has too much energy so he consistently jumps on the table as a form of playtime; 2) he’s so tired that he falls asleep. Neither option is great for laid-back companionship, but we are getting there. And yes, option 2 is my preferred choice if I had to choose. Last time I made cookies I had no idea he was asleep on the chair, underneath the table, the entire time (see above photo for reference).
All in all, everything is an adventure with Franklin, and as much as it can be irritating and scary and annoying, I am loving every day being the mom of such a sweet, loving, handsome kitten.